Saturday, 12 December 2009

Tips to Give Your Bathroom a Fresh Fun Look Without Spending a Fortune

In challenging times we live, people find it funny to spend a fortune to repeat the bathroom. It's okay when people have to redecorate three at once!

I'm helping my son in law of the repeated beach house and my job is to find a large towel for a little money and create a different look to every bathroom.

I hit lucky when I stepped foot in a big store in LA and fell in love with the most innovative bath towels. They call them Fouta. I've never heard it before, but than I'll never forget it!

The first is I take all the white, very light, 100% natural cotton beauty spa I was told they love spartan environment-friendly qualities. This is a remarkable find when you know that Bethie has asked me to create a spa-like look for the Master Bath. I feel very creative, but has nothing to do, just add a big match results to see the full towel in accordance with the bleached tiles. I like the fact that the towel is also available in white with brown edge, a very European look I chose to get to Bethie and Howard, so they both can be used as a wrap when they stepped out of the bathroom and right into the pool for midnight swimming.

For the kids bathroom, I coordinated Anis pleasant acidulated colors in green and rust with a bunch of good solid color towels regularly and guest towel sizes of children can be used indoors or outdoors, mixed with beautiful patterns of extra fun but elegant unpretentious look to match their Terra-Cotta tiled bathroom.

Dressed guest bathroom (I was when I visited, because it is very important) I chose the dark gray pattern. Classy, elegant, sophisticated. In short, everything I am.

I called the company that produces Fouta towels, aroma and Feel like I want to see all of their products and they sent me to their website is beautiful. I was so excited about all the ideas about how to use the towels in the bathroom, but also on the beach, in the living room, to see or cold to warm when the nights get cold in the Hamptons, and they told me that this is the reason why Fouta been called multitalented by Daily Candy. Okay, so I'm not the only one to go gaga over Fouta. It's cool, I'm in good company

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