Monday, 14 December 2009

How to Decorate Small Spaces for People

When it comes to decorating your home, forget about the empty, lifeless rooms you see in interior design magazines and books. Instead, you should concentrate on designing all the rooms in your house as a backdrop for people who will live in these spaces. Here are some simple techniques for designing dynamic spaces:

Don, AOT afraid to leave some empty space in your room. Space and allows breathing room to let the things most important in the room shine, AI people who live there!

Avoid large patterns in the fabrics and wallpapers. As a general rule, do not use a larger design than the palm of the hand, because they would interfere with the appearance of the people in the room. Using the patterns on the smaller walls and furniture will mean that your friends and family win, AOT had to compete with the patterns dared to attention.

Use paint colors that complement people, AOS skin and eye color. For light skin color, use yellow, pink, and beiges. For darker complexions, yellows, olives, and tans can make people look great.

Use textures that stimulate the sense of touch. See a good texture for stroke, such as velvet, chenille, or satin. They, Äôll create a feeling pampered.

Always choose comfort over pretense. Just because a sofa looks great doesn, AOT seriously, AOS comfortable. When you visit a showroom, remember that to really test the furniture, you need to sit on it for a while, until you feel totally rested. Only then can you get realistic for support and comfort level.

Your home is meant to be a place for the people, and if you always keep themselves, their families, and guests in mind, you, Äôll was on the road to designing spaces that will become more comfortable and attractive than the emotional stages of your photos see in magazines and books.

(c) Copyright 2004, Jeanette J. Fisher. All rights reserved.

Professor Jeanette Fisher, author of the dog house to Dollhouse for Dollars, Joy to the Home, and other books teaches Real Estate Investing and Design Psychology. For more articles, tips, reports, newsletters, and sales flyer template, see

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